Bringing the Body of Christ together to LOVE THE BAY and INITIATE, NAVIGATE, FACILITATE, & PARTICIPATE in local missions in fulfillment of God’s Mission to bring all to a saving knowledge of Him through church health and revitalization, church planting and replanting, leadership development, and engagement and outreach in our communities.
Ephesians 4:16 NCV The whole body depends on Christ, and all the parts of the body are joined and held together. Each part does its own work to make the whole body grow and be strong with love.
Bringing the Body of Christ together in local missions in fulfillment of God’s Mission to bring all to a saving knowledge of Him through church health and revitalization, church planting and replanting, leadership development, and engagement and outreach in our communities.
Bridges will accomplish its purpose by these W.I.N. values:
WE over Me
Inspired Innovation
WE over ME: The personification of the Body of Christ working cooperatively together through our churches, missions and ministry partnerships
Inspired Innovation: Providing training and support for churches and pastors to fulfill the Great Commission throughout the Bay Area
Networking: Bringing both sides of the Bay’s churches together to work in tandem with one another through regional connections and regularly occurring monthly, quarterly, and annual events. Providing a conduit of connection for churches with stakeholders and ministry partners.
The Bridges Administrative Team, Executive Board, Regional Coordinators, and partners endeavor to provide resources, encouragement, and community to empower churches and their leaders (full-time pastors, bivocational, church planters, and urban missionaries) to make a life transforming impact on the communities within their sphere of influence and entrusted in their care.