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Real estate can be a vital resource for congregations, and making thoughtful, strategic decisions can greatly enhance the ministry's ability to serve both its members and the wider community. By aligning real estate decisions with mission goals, congregations can unlock new possibilities for ministry growth, build long-term financial stability, and expand their community impact. This workshop series is designed to help member congregations of the Bridges Bay Area Association become empowered to make the most of their real estate assets to advance their mission and sustain their ministries.

Join us for a brand new opportunity as we partner with DCG Strategies to help you make the most out of the property you have to help alleviate stress, maximize potential and glorify God more!

BONUS: Everyone who attends a workshop gets a FREE 45 minute one on one consultation to map out your trajectory to a new future of productivity and efficiency. Sign up today!

Click here to view Stewardship REPLAY #2

Click here to view Stewardship REPLAY! #3
