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Some of you may know the amazing Manriquez family from Chile who has been faithfully serving so many for so very long. Marcos has been pastoring for multiple decades from the East Coast to the West. Monica has faithfully loved and taught children as well as helped raise 3 amazing children with love, passion and great intelligence. Many of you may know their daughter Carola who has strength unparalleled both in body, heart and mind. She has served in education and pursued education and many other ways of being equipped to bring the love of Jesus to so many accross the world. The other two Manriquez children have also continued to love and support their family in so many beautiful ways and yet its all of them that need the help, love and support of their Christian family now in this time of struggle as they wait for Jesus to work and move.

Below is Pastor Marcos' latest post on social media:

40 days...forty days in ICU! The Intensive Care Unit of Stanford Hospital has been home for my children and I. We've been one by one at the bedside of wife, Monica Pozo Manriquez, after her liver transplant. We thought it was going to be a couple of days and we are still there. Complications, surgery after surgery, CT Scans, hundreds of tests, EKGs, Echos, biopsy's, you name it! Almost 1000 hours in ICU. Our hopes are still high! Not only because Monica is strong, a tough cooky! But we trust God. He's been our strength and he will complete the work that he started. Half of the world is praying for Monica and for us, her family and we are eternally in debt with all of you!

I want to give thanks to all of you that are still praying and believing our beloved Monica is not done yet here. God has a purpose for her life, in fact, He has had a purpose for Monica always. Monica has been my partner in ministry since day one, when the Lord called us to serve him in Chile and then in South Carolina. She has loved and served hundreds of teenagers in school and in church. She has a gift like no other with young people! So thank you again for being with us at this hard times with the Manriquez'

Many of you have asked me how you can help. I can tell you continue to pray for us. You can drop a note, a text, an email or simple a post-card. You can mail it to 233 W Hilton Dr. Boulder Creek, CA 95006. You can also send us a love gift out of generosity.

You can find my Venmo account at: Pastormarcmanriquez. This are some ways you can help.

40 days! How many more? We don't know, instead we pray: Lord, my your will be done!

There've already been so many different surgeries, feeding tubs, scans after scans. Her condition has gone up and down with moments of strength as well as sorrow. There have been days and weeks of spending the night at the hospital only to leave to take showers. The family, which primarily lives in the Bay Area, the children also live in SoCal and have been traveling back and forth as the situtation calls for it which means taking time away from work and other responsibilities. It all adds up, both emotionally, mentally and definitely financially.

This is an incredible family of faith, love and strength that could truly use your help and support no matter what that looks like. There is info above to send money to help with all the financial strain, there's an address where you can send care packages or cards. There's also a QR code where you can even send cards directly to Monica's room at Stanford hospital, room K426. If you have any of the families phone number or email address you can also send them reminders that they are loved and prayed for. This is what we do for our Christian brothers and sisters.